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Touch Screen Input No Longer Working

edited April 2014 in Engine development
I am still learning the basics of how to use Adventure Creator.  I created a prototype beginning with version 1.28 selecting the "Direct" movement method and the "Touch Screen" input method from the Settings Manager.  Everything seemed to work fine.  The prototype has a ProBuilder cube for the floor with a mesh collider and I set Pathfinding Method to Mesh Collider and created a NavMesh in the Scene Manager to cover the floor of the cube.  Im using the free BigHead character and Locomotion assets from Unity with the Mecanim animation method. 

After I upgraded to version 1.29, I could no longer move the character inside Unity while playing the game.  Previously, dragging the mouse would make the character move and when I deployed to iPad I was able to move the character by dragging my finger across the screen.  I recently upgraded to 1.30 and I still can not get the character to move when I select Touch Screen input.

Setting the movement method to Drag and the input method to Mouse/Keyboard does move the character.  Setting to touch screen, the cursor just disappears when I position it in the game window.

I have tried creating a new Unity project but each time I select Touch Screen input, my cursor just disappears when I move into the game window and the character will not move.

Any guidance would be appreciated.  Thank you.


  • Sorry - is this a problem when testing in the editor, rather than on the iPad?  I can't recreate this issue when testing in the editor.
    It could be down to the canMoveMouse boolean in the PlayerInput script (see your GameEngine prefab).  It should be true by default.
  • Hi Chris, thanks for the reply.  I created a new project and this time I selected First-Person control and Touch Screen input to explore my level and the problem does not manifest itself in this mode.  As I proceed with my prototype, I will let you know if it reappears when I try to use drag control and touch screen with a third person camera. Thanks for your assistance, I love Adventure Creator!  
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