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Play Custom and Player Switch

In my 2D game, there are a few scenes where my character needs to transform into another character or an animal. I found out that by using the Play Custom action, I can play an animation, like 'a flying bird,' to show my 'girl' character transforming into a bird.

Another option is to create multiple player characters and switch between them using Player Switch. I was wondering, what are the major differences between each method?


  • Both options are viable, the main difference being that the first would involve storing all animations for all possible appearances to be stored within the same Animator.

    The second option would rely on a separate Player / Animator for each, so I'd expect that'd be easier to maintain and build upon. You'd still need an animation for the transition, but depending on the effect you're going for, that could be a separate animated prefab that spawns in at the Player's position temporarily.

  • Thank you so much!

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