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Variables tab at very high res

Hi all

Has anyone seen an issue using the Variables tab (also Variables component) at very high res?

Here's a screenshot.

The variables list appears shrunk as it does in the Variable component.

Res wise I'm running at 3240 x 2160. It doesn't happen if I drop down to 1920 x whatever.

Running AC 1.80.5 and Unity 2022.3.4f1



  • What platform/OS are you running on?

    I'll attempt a recreation - is this occuring in similar lists as well, e.g. the Menu Manager?

    A possible temporary workaround: the "Adventure Creator" section of the Project settings has an "Items before scrolling" field - raising its value may reveal more items.

  • Windows 11 here.

    Yes to Menu manager

    Items before scroll as set to 0. When I set it to something (in my case now 10) it shows the items as expected. That's a work around. Thanks.

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