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SampleScene3D - Fresh import jumping not working

As mentioned in the titled I've updated to the latest AC, v1.80.5 and I've noticed that the character in the first person sample scene is not jumping. I hear the audio clip for the jump playing, but the actual physical jump is not occurring. I've also tested when a unique player prefab of my own creation and the jumping is not working unless I give focus to the scene window and return to game window. Even so the jumping is not consistent and intermittent. My ground layer is set properly on both the player prefab and the ground colliders. The jump height is also set on the player prefab. In both instances the player prefab is using a character controller and upon examining the prefab when it's instantiated on the ground, both physics objects appear to making appropriate contact.


  • The Sample Scene is for 3D game in general - are you using this in combination with the Sample First-Person Player? I can't reproduce the issue.

    I hear the audio clip for the jump playing, but the actual physical jump is not occurring.

    Are you using a custom script to handle playback?

    My ground layer is set properly on both the player prefab and the ground colliders.

    If the Player makes use of a Character Controller, then this component's isGrounded property overrides the LayerMask. It may be that the character is "technically" jumping, just not noticeably so.

    What is their Jump speed set to, what Unity version are you using, and does this occur in a fresh project/installation, using only the Sample assets?

  • Hey Chris, thank you for the responses. It is indeed a fresh project and install. I'm also using a character controller with the default jump speed. I will test out increasing that value. No custom scripts and I'm playing in the sample scene setup for the first person player prefab.
  • In which Unity version, and are you trying out the Sample FP Player template as well, or only the Sample 3D Scene template with your own FP Player?

    Are you installing the template(s) on top of your own Managers (i.e. choosing "Modify" in the New Game Wizard), or are you also having AC generate a fresh set of Managers at the same time?

    If your own FP Player, is the result the same in a fresh 3D scene with a simple Plane for the ground?

  • @ChrisIceBox I've solved the issue by bumping up the Jump Speed to 8. Didn't seem to work at a value of 3 or 4, even with no tweak to Simulated Mass.

    Another concerning issue just came up. I couldn't figure out why crouching stopped working. Wracked my head for a while. I could see the CC decreasing in size and I could see the walk and run values being reduced so I knew I was in a crouch state, but the camera seemed locked in place. Turns out crouching broke when I enabled "Bob head when moving" on the First Person Camera class and set it to "Built In". Is there a conflict where the programmatic head bobbing isn't allowing the camera to move downwards when crouched?

  • I've solved the issue by bumping up the Jump Speed to 8. Didn't seem to work at a value of 3 or 4, even with no tweak to Simulated Mass.

    Glad to hear it. The default values work for me on my end, so I appreciate your patience and thanks for the report.

    Is there a conflict where the programmatic head bobbing isn't allowing the camera to move downwards when crouched?

    It should just be a case of making sure both features don't affect the same Transform.

    The "Built In" head-bobbing affects the same Transform that the First Person Camera component is attached to. To have this work alongside the crouch mechanic (I'm assuming added by the FP Crouch component), you'll need to have an extra GameObject in between your Player's root and the First Person Camera - and have the crouching affect this.

    Create a new empty GameObject, and position it in the same place as your First Person Camera. Then arrange it so that it's in-between the root and the camera in the Player's Hierarchy.

    If you then set your FP Crouch component's "Camera Parent" field to this empty, then both should work independently.

  • Thank you for the detailed resolution steps. I have already set up your described fix as I figured that might be the case. I'm so sorry I should have given that context and been more descriptive. This is the default behavior of the package's sample first person controller and a better question would have been, is this expected behavior out of the box for the sample content? Basically when I set that head bob to use the programmatic bobbing it breaks the crouch and there isn't a GUI to let the user know what the fix is. This is for the sample/default FPS prefab.
  • The sample FPS relies on custom animation, so it shouldn't be an issue with its default settings. I agree, though, that it should be flexible and still be capable of working with "Built In" head-bobbing - thanks for raising the issue.

    Did the resolution steps work for you? If so, I'll make the same change to the sample prefab.

  • It did resolve the issue. Thank you for that assist.

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