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Toggle Hotspot Reveal instead of Flashing?

edited May 4 in Technical Q&A

Hi all,

Hope you are doing well!

Out of curiosity -- is it possible to have the user press a hotkey (in this case "h") -- to toggle the hotspot reveal as opposed to just flashing it for a certain number of seconds (as I currently have)?

Just in case, I am pasting my script below. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

`using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using AC;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.TextCore.Text;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class HotspotHighlight : MonoBehaviour
public Hotspot hotspot;
private Material mat;
private Color tempColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
private Color transparentColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
public TextMeshProUGUI textObj;
public Image textBackImage;

// texture properties to make sure outline
// amount looks consistent for hotspots
public float outlineWidth = 0.024f;
public float distortAmount = 0.3f;

private const float waitTime = 2f;

// action lists controlling
// the disappearing and appearing of player when hotspots flash
ActionList playerHide;
ActionList playerShow;

private GameObject playerToHide;

private void Awake()
    mat = GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
    mat.SetColor("_Color", transparentColor);
    mat.SetFloat("_OutlineWidth", outlineWidth);
    mat.SetFloat("_OutlineDistortAmount", distortAmount);

    playerToHide = GameObject.Find("Everlyn");
    // instantiate action lists controlling system visibility
    // during hotspot flash
    playerHide = gameObject.AddComponent<ActionList>();
    playerShow = gameObject.AddComponent<ActionList>();

    textBackImage.color = transparentColor;


private void OnEnable() { EventManager.OnHotspotsFlash += OnHotspotsFlash; }
private void OnDisable() { EventManager.OnHotspotsFlash -= OnHotspotsFlash; }

private void OnHotspotsFlash()
    playerToHide = GameObject.Find("Everlyn");

    playerHide.actions = new List<Action> {
    ActionVisible.CreateNew(playerToHide, VisState.Invisible, true),
    ActionMenuState.CreateNew_TurnOffMenu("HotspotDescription", true, false, true),
    ActionMenuState.CreateNew_TurnOffMenu("Hotspot", true, false, true),
    ActionCharMove.CreateNew_StopMoving(AC.KickStarter.player, true),
    ActionSystemLock.CreateNew(LockType.Disabled, LockType.Disabled)

    playerShow.actions = new List<Action> {
    ActionVisible.CreateNew(playerToHide, VisState.Visible, true),
    ActionSystemLock.CreateNew(LockType.Enabled, LockType.Enabled)



private IEnumerator FlashCo()
    if (hotspot.IsOn())
        mat.SetFloat("_OutlineWidth", outlineWidth);
        mat.SetFloat("_OutlineDistortAmount", distortAmount);

        textBackImage.color = tempColor;
        mat.SetColor("_Color", tempColor);
        textObj.text = hotspot.GetName(0);

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);

        mat.SetColor("_Color", transparentColor);
        textBackImage.color = transparentColor;
        textObj.text = "";



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