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Animated Camera not play animation


I have an animated camera created from the AC scene menu. I have a panning anim, which plays in the editor, and it is assigned to the "Game Camera Animated" script and the script is set to play when active.

I then use the Camera:Switch action to switch to that camera. The camera becomes active, but the anim never plays. ~~~~

Any ideas?

Unity 2022.2.17
AC 1.77.2,

Any ideas?



  • Do any messages appear in the Console?

    In the Animation component in your screenshot, the AnimationClip is assigned - did you assign this manually, or was it done so automatically in Play mode?

    I should mention that this component's usage is quite outdated by this point - for better animation control over cameras, you might want to consider the use of Timeline. Cameras can be animated using Animation tracks, and made active using AC's MainCamera track.

  • Thanks Chris, that was actually my next question. Will abandon this and look at triggering a timeline instead.

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