I'm having an issue where I add a journal page with an index value and then wish to either remove or update that journal page in another scene file. If I run an actionscript to remove or alter this same index of the journal in another scene, the journal just adds another page, even though I've indicated the same index value.
I've Gathered all the speech entries and everything has been updated, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've been able to successfully remove a journal page that is both added and removed in the same scene file, so I'm wondering if there is an additional step that I need to perform if I want to do this in two different scenes?
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Welcome to the community, @ventureman.
Journal data exists in MenuJournal elements - they aren't tied to any specific scene, and should be scene-independent.
Could you share your AC/Unity versions, as well as screenshots of the Journal element and Actions involved in both scenes? I'll attempt a recreation.
Unity version 2020.3.11f1
The addition and removal of this journal entry are still in the same scene and the same result occurs. When attempting to remove and add in the same index, an additional journal entry is added. Only the resulting logic to trigger the journal changes are effected in another scene.
Thanks for the details, but it's a bit tricky to see how things relate to one another. In what order are the three ActionLists being run?
Would you be able to PM me a .zip file containing your scenes and Managers that demonstrate the issue? Graphics etc would not be necessary to include.
So the "Add Journal Page" command works, but "Remove Journal Page" is not?
Check the Console window for messages - AC should report common issues that can arise when running these Actions.
Is that to say the effects of the Actions are only felt once you switch scene?
They are in sequential logic branches being routed with a changing variable value. The logic tree is otherwise sound as there are other elements, inventory items, etc. that are being effected and they all work as expected.
Correct. Additionally when using "Add Journal Page" utilizing the same index value, another new page is created while the original index page remains. I instances where I require the original to be updated with a new page, I'm calling Menu>Change State> Remove Journal Page (index value) in a separate action.
I've isolated the journal entries into a single scene, are the results remain the same. this tells me that this issue is not a result of the scene changes, but rather an issue with the resulting logic or code.
no errors relating to the journal or otherwise of note
I've reset the speech text and re-Gathered it, assigning new Speech Manager IDs. Are there other scene attributes that could affect the tracking of journal entries that I'm not aware of?
As in, the new page is inserted at the wrong index?
Is the Journal open at the time of the change - and if so, does closing and re-opening it make a difference? It may be that it's a case of the change being made, but not reflected in the current menu itself.
The assigning of speech IDs is necessary for it to work with translations and the save system, but the process of adding/removing pages should still work even with no IDs assigned. Journals themselves shouldn't be dependent on scenes.
I'm afraid it is looking like I'll need a copy of the project - or at least a package that demonstrates the issue - in order to get to the bottom of things. Even with the above details, it's still difficult to understand the fundamental issues at play.
Thanks for taking the time to respond and troubleshoot this issue. This is great support. We're trying to ship on Thursday, so might take a while to reformat the .zip the scene having the issue. Will try ASAP. Thanks again.