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Change sprite randomly when using hotspot


I wonder if I can change a sprite randomly from a collection of sprites whenever I click on it. I have managed to change it once when clicked with the help of the object animate action in the hotspot use object.

Thanks in advance!


  • Welcome to the community, @StefanieJ.

    Sometimes, it's best to rely on customs scripting for something like this.

    Here's a script you can attach to your Sprite Renderer that has a function to change it's sprite randomly from a collection:

    using UnityEngine;
    public class ChangeRandomSprite : MonoBehaviour
        public Sprite[] sprites;
        public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
        public void ChangeSprite ()
            int randomIndex = Random.Range (0, sprites.Length);
            spriteRenderer.sprite = sprites[randomIndex];

    To trigger it when using a Hotspot, have your Hotspot Interaction run an Object: Call event Action that references this component's ChangeSprite function.

  • Thank you, Chris!

    Still, I know only the basics of scripting and attaching scripts. I tried and got some errors. (Can I upload images here?)

    Is it right to add the script as a component of the sprite? Then again it is only one of the sprites. How does the script know from the other sprites?

  • I have the other sprites assigned now and there are no errors anymore. But the Call event does not work for the sprite change, yet. Do I have to assign any function (there are various functions and I have no idea which one it could be.)

  • You need to call the component's ChangeSprite function.

    Make sure that the script is added as a component on the same GameObject as your SpriteRenderer, and that you've assigned that SpriteRenderer (as well as the Sprites) in its Inspector.

    When using the Object: Call event Action, you must be sure to reference the ChangeSprite function in the component - not the original script file. Do this by first clicking the + icon in the Action, then dragging the GameObject with the script/SpriteRenderer into the field. From the drop down that then appears beside it, you can then choose ChangeRandomSprite -> ChangeSprite.

    If you have problems, take screenshots, post them to, and paste links in a reply.

  • edited April 2021

    Thank you, but I have not managed, yet. I might go back to some basics and learn or just solve it over time.

    Then again, there is a warning shown in the node:
    Parameters past from here cannot be set, unfortunately, due to a Unity limitation.

    Maybe it has nothing to do with my problem. I am just curious what this means.

  • The warning refers to being unable to pass parameters to the function the Action calls.

    The script I've given you has no parameters, so you can safely ignore the warning - it's just there as general information, unrelated to what you've actually assigned in the Action's UI.

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