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Potential Moveable Drag Bug

Hey Chris,

Wanted to report a bug that may exist. When you put a moveable drag in a prefab (In this case I had a chest of drawers) It works, but the colliders no longer work (the player can walk straight through it)

I tested this in an empty clean scene and the same results.

  1. Place prefabbed Moveable Drag gable in scene and colliders don't work
  2. Remove prefab, colliders still don't work till you save and restart the scene.

I've also found that creating a moveable draggable the colliders don't initially work till you save and restart the scene.

It works fine if I keep these out of my prefabs which is the workaround for now!


  • There should be no difference in the behaviour of a prefab instance or non-prefab at runtime.

    Can you prepare a test package that I can use to recreate the issue?

  • Yeah no worries, will hook you up tomorrow with it.

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