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Title screen menu (pause)


I followed the steps here to do a Title Screen.
My problem is when i am in another scene, and i am using "Esc" key, the Title screen menu will come in front, and i dont want it. After pressing again "Esc" the Pause menu will turn on, and after again one "Esc", the Title screen again. How can I fix that?
I want to Pause the game when I am in other scenes, and if I will press again escape button, the Pause menu should turn off in order to resume the game (without Title menu present here).


  • Welcome to the community, @Obricorn.

    What is your Title menu's Appear type property set to?

    When a Menu is locked, it will not turn on even when this condition is met. You can lock your Title Menu by using the Menu: Change state Action. You can lock it when leaving the title scene to prevent it from turning on normally.

    If you want to lock it by default - and unlock it when entering the title scene - you can do so by checking Start game locked off? in the Menu's properties.

  • Thanks.

    And yes, it works on "Action list when turn off" the title menu and changed state to Locked. But this will work when i'm starting with with another scene, than Title one. But anyway, it's okay, because the player will always go through the Title Screen when the game starts.

    Now I have detected another problem. If I start the simulation from the Title screen, the other scene appears in the background. How can I make that when the application starts, the first scene to be exactly the one with the Title screen, which also has a background set by me.

    Or rather, how can I choose the first scene with which to start the game, and only with that.

  • I didn't realize, I was logged in to another account (for tests): D, I really apologize.

  • Unity will always rely on the first scene listed in your Build Settings as the first scene to load when running the built application.

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