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Add new Journal sentence in existant page?

Hello again everyone, 
Is it possible to add new lines in an existent page of a journal instead of adding new page?
I want to update my diary, line by line but I haven't found a way to do it with AC. 
thank you very much...


  • You'd have to store the page's text in a global String Variable, and then display the contents of that variable in the page using a text token, i.e.:


    Where 'X' is the ID number of the string variable.  For more, see the Manual's "Text tokens" chapter.

    You can then use the Variable: Set Action to add to the string, again with tokens:

    [var:X] This is more text

    Will take the original string value, and add "This is more text" to it.

    The only issue is that it's not currently possible to force it to display on a new line.  I'll have a think about how that can be added into a future release.
  • Thank you for your fast answer Chris. I'll try that for the moment!
  • Also it can be very useful if we were able to create a global list of strings. So each time we go and add a new string with an action to the list and then assign each page to show the strings from the List line by line..
  • @ChrisIceBox I think I found a bug while I was making the above solution. All the journal pages return as LineID =-1... I have 3 pages and all have -1 as lineID...
  • Have you added them to your Speech Manager via the "Gather text" button?  They won't have an ID number assigned (defaults to -1) until this.

    The next version of AC will allow you to set string variable values within TextArea fields, as opposed to TextFields - making it possible to insert line breaks into them.
  • Thank you Chris. Didn't know that.
  • Hi Chris, I am bumping this thread to see if there was an implementation of this. I am pretty much looking for the same behaviour: a Journal that adds sentences to its pages one by one (in new lines). Thanks in advance!

  • Oh I realize now that on your last answer to Excadrix you mentioned that it's possible to insert line breaks. I'm gonna try this!

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