1. Wow! I've been using Adventure creator for almost 4 years, and I feel like a noob. Great explanation. I figured it out thanks to your instructions. I really appreciate it. Getting closer to completing my project every day.
2. Oh!!! I get it. It's in the Inventory settings, within Settings AC Game Editor tab, not in the Inventory tab. Sorry. Man. I hesitated to include that, thinking that I might be missing something, but I ignored my inner-voice. Next time I'll look harder. Sorry Chris.
Thanks so much for the above replies.
1. Wow! I've been using Adventure creator for almost 4 years, and I feel like a noob. Great explanation. I figured it out thanks to your instructions. I really appreciate it. Getting closer to completing my project every day.
2. Oh!!! I get it. It's in the Inventory settings, within Settings AC Game Editor tab, not in the Inventory tab. Sorry. Man. I hesitated to include that, thinking that I might be missing something, but I ignored my inner-voice. Next time I'll look harder. Sorry Chris.
Thanks again. You are the BEST!