Hi Chris,
I have an idea for a feature that I think could be useful (not only for me).
The inventory:check selected action should be able to check an item's category. With that I could create an unhandled inventory interaction for a hotspot that chooses what to do next depending on the item category insteat of a single item.
If the player is carrying many (f.e. 50) items that would be a quick way to diversify the unhandled inventory interaction without creating 50 interactions for each hotspot.
20 weapon items get a playspeech: I am not going to kill that guy.
15 food items get a play speech: That guy has enough food. I should eat this myself.
15 other items get a generic: that is a stupid idea.
Anternatively inventory interactions could be per set per item category and not only per single item. But I think the ActionList approach is smarter because it gives more flexibility to do other great things with it.
2: (this one is less important)
The item properties are not very useful if you do not use custom code. I think it would be great to access an items property X value/string/... via Actionlist. And maybe even use the placeholder system [var:1] like with variables.
Item properties are basically variables, but we do not get the same variety of options for them
2. Item properties are most useful when used dynamically, i.e. when you don't know exactly what item it is you want to access until runtime. Accessing them via script is generally more sensible because of this, as moving such operations to an Action would likely make such an Action's UI overly complex. However, custom Actions can be made use of when desired.
The simplest way to do that is add option to the Variable Set action "NEW VALUE IS :" option : Use item properties , tab to choose item and propertie . Simple like that . That one simple change in existing action will give a chance to use items properties in dozens of way . Mostly for all of us who cant write custom action .