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Walking to NPCs to dialogue to problem

Hello everybody, I've just bought Adventure Creator, it's awesome and really simple to use, but I'm arguing with a problem, my player, when I click on npc to dialogue, starts walking to him but the speech box appears too earlier, stopping him far away form the npc.
Could I have missed some options? Thanks for any suggestions


  • Welcome to the community, @Unknown_Studio.

    I'm afraid we'll need to see some screenshots showing your setup, as I can only speculate without knowing more detail.  If the below doesn't help, please post some images of your Hotspot's Inspector, Settings Manager, and Interaction ActionList on e.g., and post links to them here.

    In the Hotspot Inspector, find the "Use interaction" panel for the NPC interaction - what is the Player action field set to?  If Walk To, then the Interaction will trigger after a set time unless you check Set minimum distance? underneath to have it wait until the player is close enough.

    To instead have the player walk to a specific point before triggering the Interaction, instead set Player action to Walk To Marker, and assign a Walk-to marker above to define exactly where you want the player to move to.
  • Thank you! I didn't set that option. Now everything works good :D
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