This update comes not too long after the previous v1.61.2, but as it focuses mainly on bugfixes and refinement over big new features, it was important to get it out in the wild sooner rather than later. That said, some nice new features are included. Chief among them:
ActionList: Wait for preceding Action
This is likely something that won't be often used, but will be very useful when it is. This Action does nothing by itself, but only performs it's "When finished" command once all Actions that link to it's input have completed. This is help in cases where you have e.g. two chains of Actions, where both must complete before running anything else - but you don't know which one will complete first. I expect this would be most useful when dealing with dynamic elements such as playing speech in different languages.
Interactive boundaries
This is a new prefab type that can optionally be assigned to a Hotspot. Similar to a Trigger, this represents a volume that the player must be within in order for the Hotspot to be interactive. This should help to prevent "unseen" Hotspots from being inadvertently selected e.g. through walls, when relying on "Player Vicinity" detection.
Blendshape expressions
Blendshape-based expressions were already possible via the Object: Blend shape Action, but its now possible to play them back via the existing [expression:Name] speech text token, which was previously mainly used for portrait graphics. If a character uses expressions and has a Shapeable component, you'll now get an option to link them together. The 3D Demo has been updated to make use of this workflow.
Animated Conversation icons
This isn't the biggest feature ever, but conversation icons are now animatable. This requires, however, that all Conversations that involve icons need to be upgraded - which is just a matter of viewing the Inspector and saving the scene. This step is necessary even if animations are not used, but to avoid warnings in the Console at runtime you should upgrade your Conversations in this way.
Upgrade notes
Facial animation
By the way, sorry I've been a bit absent from the forums for a while. I've been really busy lately...
The resulting game is essentially the same, but it uses newer workflows and newer interfaces to show the better practices since.
Upgrade notes
Version 1.62.4: