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How to implement click outside conversation options to close a conversation?


Is there a simple way to allow the user to close the conversation by clicking outside the conversation area, rather than having to use an exit conversation option?



  • Not currently, but I will add an input that allows for this, named e.g. "EndConversation".  Then mapping an invisible Menu Button to simulate this input would then allow for that.
  • Hi there,

    I've implemented the EndConversation input, which ends the conversation and sets the correct gamestate as it should. Awesome.

    However, when I then go and start a conversation with someone else and click on any option, it continues from the previous ActionList from the other conversation that I just instantly exited using the EndConversation function.

    I should note that I am using overrides for all options.

    From my prelim investigations, with the EndConversation button it ends the conversation, but seems to keep the activeList in the 'activeLists' variable in ActionListManager from the previous conversation's actionlist. So when I run any other options from any conversation after that it continues from the OTHER actionlist.
  • I think it has something to do with the 'isConversationOverride' boolean still being set to true, so it runs the other activeList again (from the point/startIndex of the other ActionConversation) which is obviously not what we want.

    Perhaps we can add some functions to set the isConversationOverride booleans on those activeLists to false if the "EndConversation" button is inputted/pressed.

    Anyway, I'll leave it to you @ChrisIceBox :)
  • Yes, most likely - though I'll have to give it a thorough look.
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