Your patience has been appreciated. AC v1.57 brings some important refinements behind the scenes, so this is a recommended update for all. Key features as follows:
Custom interaction systems
While AC provides a wide range of customisation options for your game's interaction system, the more ambitious developers out there may find that they want something completely unique. Therefore, this version adds a new Custom Script option for both the Interaction method and Hotspot detection method settings, which allow you to control both using script commands only. Coding knowledge is obviously required, but the new Section 12.12 covers the principles involved - and the included Custom Interaction System Example script demonstrates how your own interface can be written.
Video Player support
A lot of requests have been made for integration with Unity 5.6's new Video Player component, though
@Alverik's custom Action has helped tide them over in the meantime. This upgrade enhances the existing Engine: Play movie Action with the ability to play/stop/resume Video Players, and the new Remember Video Player component allows you to store a VP's state in save games.
Smoother movement
In a case of 'Unity best practice', Rigidbody-based 3D characters now move by having forces applied - as opposed to having their positions set explicitly. This allows for smoother movment, however be aware that you will need to enable Rigidbody Interpolation for this to be noticeable. You may also find that NPCs and other Rigidbodys can be 'pushed' by the player more easily - but this can be combated by increasing their Mass value (which won't affect their own walking speeds). This feature can be disabled in the character Inspector, however.
Upgrade notes
- Rigidbody-based characters are now moved by applying forces - Interpolation should be set for smooth motion, and Masses may need increasing to prevent object-pushing
- Parameter values will now be changed when skipping the "Object: Animate" and "Character: Animate" Actions with the "Sprites Unity Complex" animation engine
- The "Shift Left" and "Shift Right" options for Menu Buttons that offset elements have been renamed to "Shift Previous" and "Shift Next" respectively
- Right-to-left languages are no longer auto-detected - they are now set directly within the Speech Manager's Translations panel
Movie playback- Added: Ability to control Video Player components with the "Engine: Play movie" Action (Unity 5.6 only)
- Added: "Remember Video Player" component - attach to Video Player components to save their playback state (Unity 5.6 only)
- Changed: The "Audio source" field in the "Engine: Play movie" Action has renamed to "‘Sound' to play audio"
Custom interaction systems- Added: "Custom interaction systems" section to Manual
- Added: "Custom script" Interaction method - use to create a completely custom interface (see Manual)
- Added: "Custom script" Hotspot detection method - use to have Hotspots selected only through scripting (see Manual)
- Added: "Custom Interaction System Example" script - demonstrates how Hotspot and inventory interactions can be controlled via script
Characters- Added: "Sound: Change footsteps" Action - use to change the AudioClips of a Footstep Sounds component
- Added: "Remember Footstep Sounds" component - use to save changes made to a Footstep Sounds component
- Added: Option for 3D characters to not rely on their Rigidbody for movement
- Added: Option for the "Slow movement near wall colliders?" character option to only affect their Animator Mecanim 'Move speed float' parameter, not the actual move speed
- Changed: Rigidbody-based characters are now moved by applying forces - Interpolation should be set for smooth motion, and Masses may need increasing to prevent object-pushing
- Fixed: Rare issue when using the "Character: Hold object" Action to spawn the object to hold
- Fixed: Various issues with character movement speeds
ActionLists- Added: Ability to use ActionList assets for a scene's "On Start", "On Load" and "On Variable Change" cutscenes
- Added: Warning messages to Actions that rely on scene settings that cannot be found
- Added: Ability to choose if Trigger parameters are affected when skipping the "Object: Animate" and "Character: Animate" Actions with the "Sprites Unity Complex" animation engine
- Changed: Parameter values will now be changed when skipping the "Object: Animate" and "Character: Animate" Actions with the "Sprites Unity Complex" animation engine
- Fixed: Issues when viewing the Game Editor window when not all Manager assets are assigned
Menus- Added: Option for Menus set to appear "When Speech Plays" to display even if Subtitles are disabled in Options
- Changed: The "Shift Left" and "Shift Right" options for Menu Buttons that offset elements have been renamed to "Shift Previous" and "Shift Next" respectively
- Fixed: Inconsistent UI behaviour when two speech lines are displayed one after another
- Fixed: "Smooth movement" option for Unity UI-based Menus not always showing when it should do
- Fixed: Issues with displaying AC-based Slider menu elements
- Fixed: "Shift" menu buttons not always showing when crafting
- Fixed: Minor display issue with Menus when "Position type" is set to "On Hotspot"
Editor- Added: New "Default" subfolder which contains all assets necessary for creating new Managers
- Added: Option to show the StackTrace from messages logged in the Console
- Added: Option to clear the "Custom Action scripts" folder in the Actions Manager
- Added: Scroll list to Menu Manager if too many Menus are listed
Input- Added: Cursor Manager option to cycle between "Use" and "Examine" modes with right-clicks when using the Context Sensitive interaction method
- Fixed: Issues with over-sensitivity when using the "CycleInteractions" input axis
- Fixed: Arrow Prompt swiping on mobile being inverted vertically
Save games- Fixed: Rare issue when loading save games with renamed Conversation options
- Fixed: Incorrect time showing in save game labels if "Time display" is set to "Time And Date"
API- Added: "OnUpdateDragLine" custom event - use to draw a custom joystick on-screen when dragging a Player instead of the default "drag line"
- Added: Helper functions to InvItem and Hotspot scripts to aid the manual interaction of Hotspots and Inventory items
- Added: Constructors to ButtonDialog class that aid with the creation of Conversation dialogue options through script
- Added: Alternative StartDialog function to Dialog.cs that allows for a speech line to be played by Speech Manager ID alone
- Added: GetInGameCursorState function to PlayerInput, which returns the locked state of the cursor during gameplay
- Changed: The PlayerInteraction's "ClickButton" function has been made private in favour of easier Hotspot functions to manually interact with them
- Changed: The RuntimeInventory's selectedItem variable has been made private - use the read-only SelectedItem instead
- Changed: The _Camera component (and subclasses) no longer have a FixedUpdate function call
Speech and translations- Added: 'Right-to-left' languages now construct Hotspot labels in reverse
- Changed: 'Right-to-left' languages are no longer auto-detected - they are now set directly within the Speech Manager's Translations panel
- Fixed: Speech lines sometimes not being marked as player lines in exported script sheets
MiscGood stuff. That video player seems like a good incentive to upgrade to 5.6. Has this issue been fixed by Unity though?
1. In order to call GetTransformInfoExpectUpToDate, RendererUpdateManager.UpdateAll must be called first
I think it may be related to the use of a Rigid Body in the scene, and possibly interpolation is what causes it - this is what I read on the Unity forums at least.
Know that you can use the ActionList: Run in parallel Action to have two chains of Actions or ActionLists run simultaneously, and you can check List active ActionLists in Game window? at the bottom of the Settings Manager to debug exactly what's running at any time.