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Make my character shake a tree.


I'm sure that my question is pretty simple for you, I want my character to shake a tree, when I click the right mouse button (use) on the tree. So far I clicked the tree image on the hierarchy, then i created a shaking animation of the tree on the animation tab.



  • Hey, you have to use a Hotspot and Actions to play the animation. 
    For example: Create a Hotspot and place it so that is covering the "clickable" area of your tree. Give it a good name like -> Hotspot: Shaking Tree. On the Hotspot Component you have the possibiliy to determine what is happening if the user is clicking it. So you can create a "Use" Interaction. If you have any interactions you can refence it else just click "Create" to make a new Interaction, A Interaction can perfom many "Actions" like play sounds or play animations etc. They are in categories and you can use for example Object: Animate to play you shaking tree animation.
  • I know I'm getting there, there is only 1 thing left to do. According with the screenshots below, I created the tree object in the hierarchy (fig 1). Then the hotspot for the tree (fig 2). Then in the hotspot, I created a use interaction (fig 3). The problem is that in action list editor, I cant assign an object only a clip (fig 4).

  • The Tree is animated with Mecanim, but your Object: Animate Action is using the Legacy animation engine.  Switch the Animation engine field to Mecanim, and you'll be able to assign the Tree animator in the correct field.
  • omg how clumsy of me...thank you for everything, you guys do a very good job here. Keep up the good work!
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