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Simple mobile 2D point & click games?

edited December 2016 in Technical Q&A
I'm trying to figure out if this plugin would be apt for making simple mobile 2D point and click adventures that don't have a moving player on-screen and don't have any complex dialogue. The videos I've seen of 2D examples all seem to be tailored for games that have a moving player and/or does extensive use of the mouse. Some examples of the game I want to make include The Secret of Grisly Manor or The Lost City. 

I'm wondering if this would be over-kill or if it wouldn't really work for this type of game. 

Can anyone please provide your experience?



  • No it`s not over-kill. You can for example make a Player Prefab, which will be never seen. Some of the Riddles i have seen Grisly Manor Lets Play Video at youtube are very custom, I think you have to code some of them by yourself.  But the most of them are easy in AC. They are many Drag & Drop Invertory Puzzles and then play a animation for a cool visuell effect. You can just simple place your backgrounds, fill the scene with hotspots like in the Tutorial Videos and make your game. Also the Fades from scene to scene are easy in AC.

  • Yes - creating an invisble/hidden Player prefab allows you to do without an on-screen player character, though one is needed in order to store inventory data etc.  The Settings Manager's "Movement method" option can be set to "None", which will mean the Player character is left completely alone.
  • Great, thanks for the responses.
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