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2d Interactive Menu


I recently purchased AC and I was wondering if there is a way to make an interactive menu like "The curse of monkey island" or "Full throttle". Basically all I want is my character to walk with left mouse button and with the right mouse  button over an object to give the options look, use, talk just like the image below. Thanks in advanceimage


  • Take a look at the UI Template: Walkind Dead Style.
  • Seems nice, it's exactly what i was looking for. But I don't know how to make it work with my scene. I imported it and then what? I guess my level is not high enough for this. BTW thanks for the quick reply
  • edited December 2016
    Welcome to the community, @Toonposer.

    Being able to choose from multiple interaction types (talk, use, etc) from a Menu involves the "Choose Hotspot Then Interaction" method of interaction, outlined in Section 5.1 of the Manual.  This method is used by the included 2D demo - though the UI is arranged differently, it's essentially the same principle.

    The 3D tutorial video covers how to import and make use of the Walking Dead template.  It is recommended to be familiar with how AC works, and in particular its Menu system, before making use of it - but the 3D tutorial covers these basics as well.  For a super-basic tutorial, even if you want to work in 3D, see the 2D tutorial.
  • edited May 2

    Hi Chris. I'm sorry but in the 3d tutorial video you provided there is nothing about exactly The Walking Dead template. I've checked all the video, it took a long for me, I didn't find anything about The Walking Dead package, it is only about "screen-space hotspot detection template" . In the video tutorial you are using script in main folder of that template to assing it to the project creating a empty object in the hierarchy, but "The Walking Dead" template has no script file in it's main template folder. I can't understand how to work with that TWD template. I've read the readme file, it is written there to apply the "Template_WalkingDead" but, when I clik that file all I get is an error.

    Can you help me please?

    Thank you.

  • The 3D tutorial video has been updated - it was the older version, from 2016, that made use of the Walking Dead template.

    Templates taken from AC's Downloads page require the latest AC version to be installed - which are you currently using?

  • edited May 2

    I'm using Version 1.78.0

    And sorry, but I can't find the 2016 video version on your youtube channel.

    Also I have this errors

    `Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(10,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Template' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(138,43): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TemplateEditor' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(24,24): error CS0115: 'WalkingDeadTemplate.CanInstall(ref string)': no suitable method found to override

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(64,27): error CS0115: 'WalkingDeadTemplate.MakeChanges(string, bool, Action, Action)': no suitable method found to override

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(126,26): error CS0115: 'WalkingDeadTemplate.Label': no suitable method found to override

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(127,26): error CS0115: 'WalkingDeadTemplate.PreviewText': no suitable method found to override

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(128,26): error CS0115: 'WalkingDeadTemplate.AffectedManagerTypes': no suitable method found to override

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(129,24): error CS0115: 'WalkingDeadTemplate.RequiresInstallPath': no suitable method found to override

    Assets\Jean Allen's Beginning in the End\Walking Dead template\Assets\Scripts\Editor\WalkingDeadTemplate.cs(130,26): error CS0115: 'WalkingDeadTemplate.FolderName': no suitable method found to override

    All compiler errors have to be fixed before you can enter playmode!
    UnityEditor.SceneView:ShowCompileErrorNotification ()`

  • The old video is unlisted, but can be found here.

    Those errors are all because you are using an outdated AC version.

    You can delete the WalkingDeadTemplate and Template_WalkingDead files, but you'd have to manually copy over the settings from the package's Managers (Menus, cursors etc). Better to update your AC version to the latest.

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