I am beginning to create a first person, touch input game using Adventure Creator to run on the iPad. The AC manual indicates you still need a character prefab even though the character will never be seen, I guess so you can use the bones to pick things up, etc. I plan on using a Mecanim based character with the standard animations of idle, walk, and run. Since I do not possess the skills to model, rig, and animate my character, I am looking for the least expensive rigged character since it's a first person game and will never be seen. I have found a free Locomotion Starter Kit from unity that appears to have the animations but I am having trouble finding a basic low poly rigged character with no more than 30 bones. I would appreciate it if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thank you.
In the Settings Manager, check Lock cursor on start? within the Interface settings. To unlock it during gameplay, define and use the ToggleCursor input.
As for disabling the Camera component, do it! As the tutorial states, AC needs for there to be only one active camera at a time.