using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionFlashHotSpots : Action
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionFlashHotSpots : Action
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionHoldToFlashHotspots : A
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionHoldToFlashHotspots : A
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionHoldToFlashHotspots : A
#endif #if UNITY_ANDROID persistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath; #endif #if UNITY_IPHON
On further testing it made new problems, namely regarding scene switching. The camera would stop smoothly following the player, or switch to a new camera when moving directly.
private PolygonCollider2D[] autoStickPolys;protected void SnapToNavMesh2D (){ if (IsMovingAlongPath () || !SceneSettings.IsUnity2D () || KickStarter.sceneSettings == null || KickStarter.sceneSettin
using UnityEngine;using AC;public class ConvertWalkToSetting : MonoBehaviour{ [ContextMenu ("Convert WalkTos")] void DoConversion () { var hotspots = UnityVersionHand
+= OnCompleteLoad; } else #endif { ActionListAsset tempAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ActionListAsset> (); actionListAsset = A
using UnityEngine;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionContainerCheckFull : ActionCheck { public Container container; p
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionCheckInventoryCategory : ActionCheck {
Sure Chris! Here it is. Although I have corrected this a little according to my needs. Maybe you could put in adventure wikia if someone needs it
#if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER if (settingsManager.events != null) { foreach (EventBase _event in settingsManager.events) {
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionPathType : Action { public int constan
keyboard available for this platform.");#endif } } else { Debug.Log("No controller detected, keyboard input expected."); }
using UnityEngine;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionSetInvAppearType : Action { public override ActionCategory Category { g
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionFrameFlipOnOff: Action { // Declare variables
return; } #endif RuntimeAnimatorController runtimeAnimatorController = AssetLoader.RetrieveAsset (Animator.runtimeAnimatorController, data.controllerID
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections.Generic;#if UNITY_EDITORusing UnityEditor;#endifnamespace AC{ [System.Serializable] public class ActionRename : ActionCheck { public int cons