* This way of doing it requires writing a custom interaction system. One thing that's unclear to me is how easy it will be for a nontechnical narrative designer to add interactions to objects in scene
Thank you! The DS actions were updated without issues.
picking option #2, and keypad 2 triggers option #3, etc, and the first option can't even be picked because keypad 0 doesn't do anything.
Just noticed there are more Player data. #1 and #2 and #3 all say Hub_street
With this technique, the encryption steps (#3-#5) would only be necessary to get saving working. Steps #1-2 would need to be done first, however, and would be tricky since you'd only be able to acces
engine\MultiSceneChecker.cs:[45:4-45:47] C##3> Void AC.AssetLoader:UnloadAssets ()+0x0 at Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Static\AssetLoader.cs:[243:3-243:4] C# Void AC.LevelStorage:R
#3 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
#3 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
For example, if Global Variable ID #3 is a String variable, then you can begin your conversation sequence with a Variable: Set Action to set this Variable's value to Bob, and then insert the token [va
you can subtract or add 10; if you want button #3 to change state, you can subtract or add 100; and so on. Then you just need to check if both string variables are the same. The downside here is that
* (Need help with this) An action will compare the gameobject parameter with a gameobject or prefab. For example, trigger #3 needs to do this: IF parameter == NPC #1, then change their component varia
Not only was #3 the ticket, it was like a first class ticket with complimentary drinks.
that it will hold an item in (for example) slot #3 from the start, while keeping the previous slots empty? In the screenshot above, you can see a notebook and a torch in the first two slots, but it w
A quick note about your OnStart ActionList - if the "SceneIntroDone" variable is only accessed in the scene, you can make it a Local variable to keep your Global variables list short
^ That was the main issue. Another minor issue I found was that if in the middle of a crossfade between tracks #1 and #2, you start a crossfade into track #3, #1 is dropped immediately, and the crossf
to test with the only text that gather (the ID#39 text) and it only play the speech audio but not the subtitle (I marked the checkbox "Show subtitles" in the Game Editor Settings bu
string data = "How much is 1+1;#2#3#11#639";public ActionList RiddleGame;public Conversation riddleAnswers;public void GetRandomRiddle() { string[] qData = data.Split('#');