I have two hotspots in the same scene. hotspot #1 have a "component" (ClickbyHoveringCursorExample) to change scenes. the other hotspot #2 is to examine an object up close when you &
And switching to Room#2 reveals SarahShotgun as being present there?
And switching to Room#2 reveals SarahShotgun as being present there?
if the Inactive Player (SarahShotgun) is in Room#2, and if all these conditions are met to just prompt "Test" in dialogue, and nothing happens.
The first is that with my changes to the layout of the dialog box I've now been unable to get it to resize if there are less than the maximum slot # accounted for - see uploaded screenshot #2.
Thank you! The DS actions were updated without issues.
I would recommend starting with #2 and see if you encounter issues. Bear in mind that you needn't start with an empty GameObject - if you place a Sprite in the scene, and assign that in the Character
I really really want to use solution #2 because it seems perfectly tailored to my needs
To fix, open up AC's Menu script and look for the following (around line #2077):
Second, even when I put "1" in the option index, and 2 for number 2, there's some kind of displacement happening, because keypad 1 ends up picking option #2, and keypad 2 triggers op
Just noticed there are more Player data. #1 and #2 and #3 all say Hub_street
---> Child #2 (with Animator and body parts)
engine\MultiSceneChecker.cs:[55:5-55:24] C##2> Void AC.AssetLoader:UnloadAssets ()+0x0 at Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Static\AssetLoader.cs:[243:3-243:4] C# Void AC.LevelStorage:L
#2 DebugLogHandler_CUSTOM_Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, ScriptingBackendNativeStringPtrOpaque*, ScriptingBackendNativeObjectPtrOpaque*)
#2 DebugLogHandler_CUSTOM_Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, ScriptingBackendNativeStringPtrOpaque*, ScriptingBackendNativeObjectPtrOpaque*)
I'm having the same issue with sorting maps - they work fine if I'm testing only one scene, but if I start scene #1 where the NPCs are, switch to scene #2, and then go back to scene #1, I get sorting
across scenes"? When I switch to scene #2, the object survives, but when I move back to scene #1, it disappears and no sound is played. If I switch to scene #2 again, and then back to scene
I have a small question regarding the "change cursor when over the element" option. Our inventory is UI based, and I have 6 buttons. If I check that option and select cursor index #2
Admittedly this isn't exactly an elegant alternative, but for completness: bulk-creating such properties ahead of time would at least allow these references to be retained. For example, create 20 Inv