I have two hotspots in the same scene. hotspot #1 have a "component" (ClickbyHoveringCursorExample) to change scenes. the other hotspot #2 is to examine an object up close when you &
Is this test being run from having previously visited Room#2, or are you starting the test from Room#1? - Yes, I visit Room#2 then go into Room#1 and then interact with the hotspot/Trigger. - You can
Is this test being run from having previously visited Room#2, or are you starting the test from Room#1?
I Added this action list to a hotspot in the scene. And I Set Current Player to Sarah (I've tried active player too, same result), then I made a check if the Active player is in Room#1, then if the In
(From Action #1 in ActionList 'OnInventoryDeselect')
Screenshot #1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sV025LJ__tEbwKJT5kCPt4Wq_iV0fdIH/view?usp=sharing
it back into track #0 it didn't clear from track #1 - Laser didn't work as it had TinPot assigned. I replaced that action (Engine: Control Timeline) and Laser started working. Unfortunately now the I
Rather than using this option, have the end of the Conversation list use a separate ActionList: Run Action to continue the other Actions either a third list, or from e.g. Action #10 in the first list
Thank you! The DS actions were updated without issues.
My instinct dictates that solution #1 seems more reliable because it only turns the sprite itself, not the whole player node. But maybe I'm overthinking this!
Fabulous! Thank you Chris! Option #1 did the job (Image)
Though, currently Action #15 (the "failure" branch) will only run if the value > 0. If you want it to run at all times that Action #14 does not run, have the first Variable:
Cannot find Element 'Graphic' within Menu 'Label' (From Action #1 in ActionList 'OnInventoryAdd').
is never displayed. Instead the texture of page#1 appears with the text of page#0 and so on.
Just noticed there are more Player data. #1 and #2 and #3 all say Hub_street
With this technique, the encryption steps (#3-#5) would only be necessary to get saving working. Steps #1-2 would need to be done first, however, and would be tricky since you'd only be able to acces
--> Child #1 (rotate this manually in Edit mode to have face the right direction)
#1> Void AC.AssetLoader:UnloadAssets ()+0x0 at Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Static\AssetLoader.cs:[243:3-243:4] C# Void AC.SaveSystem:InitAfterLoad ()+0x11e at Assets\AdventureCreator\
inside the Teleport function (around line #1555 in the latest release). Add the following afterwards: