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Anti climax.. loading 1.42 disnt help anything here... Still need to solve menu. Rightnow when I press ToggleCursor the cursow goes up to teh inventory...


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  • Sorry, I thought that was shown above in the image. There is a main Game Object, on which all components are living. Thats shown as "Alien Blue" above. As a child of that there's multiple models, but only one is enabled. And no, it doesn't…
  • Hmm.. Maybe thats it? QUestion is, where do you consider the root? On the Transform/Animator? or on the model, cos I have many un-enabled models under one game object, to make character choices easier. (Its a Cyberpunk/VR world, where you can change…
  • Hi Thanks! OK pressing play in the action list editor works as expected, including the newly added comment as you suggested. (Quote) Heres the Hotspot and Highlight (Image) Here they are: First NPC component
  • Thanks Chris, The 0 on the Base layer fixed it. And thanks for elaborating on my choices. Ill implement your suggestion soon. I notice another issue, and this may not be a thing that AC is involved in, and as such, maybe out of the scope of this for…
  • Thanks, Its "suddenly started working" HA HA Of course I did something, but not sure what, but IT MAYBE... just maybe, I had the hotspot location set to "above head" and the mans head was actually out of shot when he spoke... no…
  • Alverik said> Well, you can use any character controller with AC. Really? What do you mean? I am pretty sure I have tried to drag another character prefab into the AC Player slots... but you are meaning.. Just the movement scripts (animation et…
  • Thanks guys!@Alverik OK I didnt know that about Unity being bad at disabled objects...I didnt quite understand your first suggestion that best pertains to me, my light beam is an object not a particle... but it gave me the idea to NOT disable the pa…
  • Thanks guys,Sorry wasnt totally clear: See my OP.. When I tried this, I dragged my Light beam object into the slot, and selected GameObject:Set active. and clicked the tick box. When the game runs, this deactivates...  What I meant was that the tic…
  • OK figured it out... I had an action in my OnStart cutscene Engine/manage systems... I have forgotton the menu there where you pick movement type... I selected none and the error went away... obviously looking for a first person script when there wa…
  • ok, Im a little confused about cameras however. I have the _Cameras folder in my hierarchywithin that I have 2 more items_GameCameras (that contains cameras I have created, that sit in places around my game, waiting to be called from actions for cut…
  • Um... ok, i'll check your suggestions. It IS something to do with the first person set-up and yes, you are right that the characters had their cameras removed, but now I have forgotten where I set that! Is it in scene movement ? I don't need the gam…
  • I got this as soon as I added a OnStart cutscene: didnt add any actions. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an objectAC.MainCamera.SetFirstPerson () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Camera/MainCamera.cs:346)AC.Sta…
  • Fantastic! You both got me started... Chris for the actual game set up and Alverik for the great and obvious point... they DONT HAVE TO BE PLAYERS.. just look like them... DOH Great!
  • Ha ha... long time since I asked, it was the fact that a NPC 2D character has the clever feature that it automatically flips (I called it) meaning reverses, rotates, when walking the "other way". Meaning you can use the same graphic for wa…
  • >That's always been the case. Are you sure? Hurumph.. course I dont know how it would work without variables.. magic? So you are gonna have to help me out here, I have made a variable (popup type.. I like writing real names of things) wit NULL F…
  • I actually did this.. not sure about what the error was, but I simply copied the demo re named it, now its ok.. guess, my old got corrupted?? Is that a thing?
  • When you say IT... you mean what? What should call a cutscene? The Animation Event? I think I have been using PlayMaker too long, and am very used to PM´s way of just dumping a FSM on any object. I enjoyed this way just because I never have to LOOK …
  • BINGO! thanks!
  • Thanks for the reply @ChrisIceBoxEDIT I fixed the main problem, it was, as you spotted the STOPS... There is a new issue however...I want to go to a 3rd person view during the decision. So as you see below, I do a Camera Crossfade to a specially pos…
  • OK @ChrisIceBox Im using built in AC conversation. Now (slightly different than previously mentioned) Im accepting that I get an initial icon. My Decision icon. So first issue. Heres my door... (Image) Heres my action. and heres the result. (Imag…

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